My RGB color coded playlists for working

A list of playlists that I categorized for myself and named them with somehow relevant RGB color codes.

Hasan Tayyar Beşik
1 min readApr 19, 2020

The initial idea was to give the feeling of color with music from my perspective. But by the time I see that I started moving songs from a playlist to playlist as my feelings on particular songs are changing.

So I decided to create a playlist with the first feeling I had on a song that I discovered. And later, pretty randomly, I added the next discovered songs in a week to that same playlist.

Now I use these playlist to shuffle during work.

  1. #B9F89B : springy but ideal for the any season, the feeling of fresh lemon juice on beach which is not so hot or windy, temperature around 25 Celsius ( 77 Fahrenheit)
  2. #3F5D68 : neon, city night, moody electronic, suitable for focused working
  3. #B08484 : sad electronic tones, not good for working but can be listened after a meeting
  4. #3C6AFA : mostly blue tones
  5. #FEF193 : African blues
  6. #FFFFFF : chill and relax, for coffee breaks
  7. #31F6FD : no keywords but one of my favourite working playlist
  8. #A026D9 : young tones, gummy flavoured electronic
  9. #FE7574 : a usual work playlist, not a serious list
  10. #0C6C70 : for home and low light on sofa
  11. #38D525 : rasta, dub, pot
  12. #ECD062 : mostly African blues

I will probably keep adding weekly to my Spotify profile



Hasan Tayyar Beşik

GCloud, AWS, Security, NodeJs, Berlin — This blog is mostly technical and multilingual. Be aware of possible and multiple typos!